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Anointing Of The Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is available to any baptized Catholic who is facing serious illness. Please see any priest or call the on-call priest to arrange for the Sacrament to be celebrated. We celebrate the sacrament and invite the whole community to pray with those who need God’s Grace through this Sacrament of Healing.

If you need to be anointed, please call 320-685-8512 (outside of office hours).

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing in our communities on a regular basis.


We are excited that you are seeking Baptism for your child because we believe that Baptism into the Body of Christ, the Church, is truly a gift that you are giving them; hopefully, one of the first of many gifts of faith that you will be sharing with them as they grow. We believe that you, as parents, are the first and primary teachers of your children in the ways of faith. If your faith and participation in Church are important to you, then it will be important to them as well. To schedule a Baptism, please call the community offices at 320-204-1111.

First Communion

Please visit our Children’s Discipleship page for more information on First Communion.


The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Diocese of Saint Cloud is conferred upon students during their Junior year of high school. Confirmation in the Centered on Christ  Catholic Community is a two-year program that takes place during 10th and 11th grade. Classes are held on Wednesday night during 10th grade and Sunday nights during 11th grade. Parents and Sponsors play a vital role during this preparation time.

Marriage Preparation

Through this Sacrament, the Holy Spirit brings it about that, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her, Christian spouses also strive to nurture and foster their union in equal dignity, mutual giving, and the undivided love that flows from the divine font of charity, so that, uniting divine and human realities, they persevere in good times and in bad, faithful in body and mind. Please contact the community offices at 302-204-1111 for more information on getting married at one of our Churches.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Saturday before the Vigil Mass in each parish. During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we offer Communal Reconciliation Services with the Rite of Individual Confession. Please see the bulletin for the date and times of these services.

  • Saturdays at 3:15 PM at Saint Boniface
  • Saturdays at 4:30 PM at Saints Peter & Paul
  • Thursdays following Mass at Mary of the Immaculate Conception


At the death of a Christian, whose life of faith was begun in the waters of baptism and strengthened at the eucharistic table, the Church intercedes on behalf of the deceased because of its confident belief that death is not the end, nor does it break the bonds forged in life. The Church also ministers to the sorrowing and consoles them in the funeral rites with the comforting word of God and the sacrament of the Eucharist.” (Order of Christian Funerals #1, 4). 

To help you in either planning for your own funeral liturgy or planning the liturgy for a loved one who has died, click here.

  • Funeral Information Sheet
  • Readings: Funeral Liturgy
  • Readings: Responsorial Psalms

Request More Information

    Centered on Christ


    We are the Centered on Christ Catholic Community: four parishes in the Diocese of Saint Cloud collaborating to form missionary disciples on fire for Christ.


    501 Main Street
    Cold Spring, MN 56320


    Monday – 8:30 AM to 4 PM
    Tuesday – 8:30 AM to 4 PM
    Wednesday – 8:30 AM to 4 PM
    Thursday – 8:30 AM to 6 PM
    Friday – Sunday CLOSED

    Copyright ©2025 Centered on Christ Catholic Community. All Rights Reserved.