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Friends In Faith

Friends in Faith (FIF) is a group that meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month, at 2:30 p.m., at the Church of Saint Boniface; the group has two main ministry focuses. The first is planning and organizing the annual “Mass of Remembrance” every November and sending notes of support to those grieving a loss throughout the year. The second ministry focus of FIF is each member, after some training, befriends a community member who can’t get out and could use a visit from a good friend from time to time. This ministry amounts to simple companionship. If you don’t know anyone needing a friend, then we can find one for you. The monthly meetings are for fellowship amongst the team, sharing stories of ministry, prayer, and some occasional learning opportunities.

To get involved, please call the ACC offices, and ask for the Director of Adult Discipleship.1st1st

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus, local chapters, present an excellent opportunity for men to live out their call by Jesus himself, to live out their faith, and be true disciples of Christ. This group emphasizes prayer, service to our ACC and community, the teaching of the Catholic faith, and fosters a strong brotherhood among men to make them the men and leaders God meant them to be.

The Mission – Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work, and in their community.

To learn more about the Knights of Columbus, visit their website. To connect with one of our two local ACC’s Knights groups, contact our ACC offices, and ask for the Director of Adult Discipleship.

Rockville MCCL -Saint Giannna Molla

As Catholics, we believe in the sanctity of human life, from conception until natural death. If you want to support the right to life, make a difference in saving innocent, defenseless human life, and fight the evil of abortion, then this is your group. This group meets as needed throughout the year to plan events and get the word out. This is an ACC-wide group.

To get involved, please contact the ACC offices, and ask for the Director of Adult Discipleship, and we will get you connected.

Other Outreach Groups

We have many other outreach groups listed below. To get more information or become involved, please contact our ACC Offices and ask for the Director of Adult Discipleship.

  • Christian Women’s group (Individual parish-based teams)
  • Place of Hope – Meals to the poor (Christian Women organized)
  • Mental Health – Still forming this ministry
  • Mary’s Muscles – handyman volunteer work for those in need in our ACC
  • Homebound Communion Ministry
  • Christmas Giving programs – (Individual parish-based teams)

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    Centered on Christ


    We are the Centered on Christ Catholic Community: four parishes in the Diocese of Saint Cloud collaborating to form missionary disciples on fire for Christ.


    501 Main Street
    Cold Spring, MN 56320


    Monday – 8:30 AM to 4 PM
    Tuesday – 8:30 AM to 4 PM
    Wednesday – 8:30 AM to 4 PM
    Thursday – 8:30 AM to 6 PM
    Friday – Sunday CLOSED

    Copyright ©2025 Centered on Christ Catholic Community. All Rights Reserved.