We are excited to invite you to a very special Lenten Mission at the Centered on Christ Catholic Community. To prepare us for the best mission experience, there will be a planning evening at Saint Boniface on Monday, January 22nd at 6:30 PM. This night will include:
- The Power of Testimony – What is your story and how do we share our story?
- The Prayer Model for Intercessory Prayer
- Sign Up to be a part of our Lenten Mission
During Lent there is a six-night series focusing on Prayer and Healing – in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Everyone has a different need for healing: physical, emotional, body, mind, spirit, etc. This experience will enrich our relationship with Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, who wants to heal us. Each evening will consist of music, speaker, prayer, and testimonies.
The Mission
- All sessions begin at 6:30 PM at Saint Boniface.
- February 25th, February 26th, March 4th, March 11th, March 18th, and March 25th
- Hear powerful healing testimonies and experience the healing power of prayer.
- We are excited for you to join us for the best Lenten Mission ever! Please bring a friend!